Pranav Dronavalli

Migrating My Portfolio from Netlify to AWS

The Problem

The need for migration all started when I was building a chatbot about myself using Netlify’s serverless functions. The backend worked fine locally, but when I tried to deploy my site, I kept getting an error on Netlify’s build process: “maximum call stack exceeded”. After doing some research online, I figured out it was either a recursive element in my code or possibly an issue with a dependency, maybe some circular dependency issue (hint hint).

I created a ticket on Neltify Support to ask for help with the bug. While they acknowledged the issue and stated their devs were working on it, a solution wasn’t immediately available. I knew Netlify’s serverless functions were built on AWS Lambda, and so I decided that this might be a good time to migrate to AWS. I thought I’d be able to fix this problem myself and get more detailed error logs on the issue I was facing. Little did I know, it would be much more difficult than I orginally imagined.

AWS Lambda and hnswlib-node

My backend was having trouble with Lambda, even though I had the hnswlib-node package installed and uploaded, my code was having trouble importing the package in the Lambda environment. After doing research on the topic, I found some people having common issues on github and the issues weren’t yet closed meaning that there wasn’t one verified solution to the problem. It did seem like Amazon was aware of this issue and an issue with the Faiss library aswell and aim to add support on Lambda to eventually problems.

My theory after learning a little more is that the the natively compiled hnswlib-node binary was not working seamlessly with AWS Lambda, despite using the same X86 ISA and the same Node runtime. I did manage to find a workaround to the issue through containzering my backend on ECR and using Lambda to execute the image.

Frontend Hosting and Domain Complications

After getting my backend situated, I started the process to transfer my domain ownership from Netlify to I wanted to use Route 53 to route my domain name, but it turns out Route 53 does not support .dev domains, and so I created a hosted zone on Route 53 and tweaked the DNS settings on Once done, Route 53 pointed my domains to my CloudFront distribution I created which served my S3 bucket.

Integrating Frontend and Backend

I employed AWS API Gateway to act as a trigger for my Lambda function, providing an endpoint for my frontend to make requests to. It was relatively simple but introduced some CORS issues on API Gateway (which I managed to resolve relatively quickly) to CORS issues with preflight request complications my Lambda and CloudFront.

After doing more debugging and research, I found that CloudFront caching settings was stripping my CORS headers, as well as the Lambda function timing out, were the real problems behind my CORS errors. Disabling caching seemed to fix the problem, but this is pretty inefficent and I plan on simply whitelisting the CORS headers in the future. Tweaking the Lambda timeout was the final fix and resulted in a fully connected functional website hosted on AWS. Seeing PranavBot functional was incredibly satisfying.

With everything in place, I integrated a GitHub Action to automatically build and deploy my content to the S3 bucket. The migration to AWS was finally complete.

My Experience

Each new solution to an issue I’d face would introduce another challenge requiring a workaround and knowledge of the how the cloud services interacted. It wasn’t easy, but the end result was worth the effort. I remember the exhilirating feeling I got when I finally managed to get a functional backend after completing the migration. I believe the best way to learn is to do and this experience was akin to a crash course in cloud infrastructure. I’m glad I went through this process, and I know next time I’m armed with the knowledge to make this a lot easier!